Fbchat 5 Ways To Easily Deal With Infant Temper Tantrums

How To Deal With Infant Temper Tantrums

Infant Temper Tantrums

How To Deal With Infant Temper Tantrums

Temper tantrums occur due to unmet needs or desires in younger children who cannot express their emotions. Temper tantrums range from crying to screaming, kicking, hitting, and breath-holding. It is common in the developmental stage of infants when they start to learn skills but are not able to say what they want, feel, or need. You can deal with an infant’s temper tantrums easily just by following some tips. In this blog, you’ll get to know the causes of temper tantrums and how to deal with temper tantrums. After reading the blog, you’ll be able to deal with infant temper tantrums easily.

What are temper tantrums?

Temper tantrums are the expressions of a child’s frustration, anger, and emotional outbursts. Temper tantrums are common in both boys and girls and usually happen between the age of 1 to 3. Temper tantrums express that the infant is upset and frustrated because of any reason such as hunger, tiredness, or uncomfortable.

What are the expressions in temper tantrums?

An infant who is having Temper tantrums may show the following actions as given below:

  • Crying
  • Screaming
  • Stiffening limbs
  • An arched back
  • Kicking
  • Falling down
  • Flailing about or running away
  • Biting
  • Stomping
  • Pulling or shoving
  • Hitting
  • Throwing things

What causes temper tantrums?

When infants are in developmental age and want to do more than they can physically and mentally manage, it frustrates infants. The frustration is expressed in many ways. The common causes of temper tantrums and resulting frustration are given below. Infants:

  • Want to be on their own, and get upset when they can’t do what they want
  • Are in a transition such as from daycare to home
  • Are trying to call attention to test the rules
  • Have something taken away from them
  • Have not learned all the words to tell you what they are feeling or want, and this upsets them
  • Don’t understand what you want them to do
  • Are tired or hungry
  • Are worried or upset
  • Feel stress in the home

How to deal with infant temper tantrums?

There are plenty of things that you can do to encourage good behavior in even your youngest children. Deal with infant temper tantrums is easy by following the given strategies:

i. Handle aggressive behavior immediately

If your child is kicking, hitting, or throwing something outside in anger, immediately displace that thing to handle his aggressive behavior. He won’t feel peaceful until that thing disappears from his sight. This kind of response helps to deal with infant temper tantrums.

ii. Distract your child

Distract the attention of your child by offering something else in place of what they can’t have. It is an excellent strategy to replace frustrating and forbidden things. You can also take your toddler outside or inside or move to a different room to divert his attention.

iii. Help kids learn new skills and succeed

You should help your children to learn new skills. In addition, you should praise your children for feeling proud of what they have learned or intend to understand.

iv. Be consistent

You should develop a plan for your children so that they are aware of what to do next. Moreover, you should stick to your schedule as much as possible, including nap time and bedtime, so your children don’t have enough time to be frustrated.

v. Praise good behavior

Pay attention when your child behaves well. It would help if you praised the excellent behavior of your infant by hugging him or telling him how proud you feel when your children follow your instructions and directions. Deal with infant temper tantrums via praise for your children is the most effective way and easy to follow.


Temper tantrums are violent emotional outbursts, usually in response to frustration and anger. Frustration, tiredness, and hunger are the most common causes of temper tantrums. During temper tantrums, children’s common expressions and actions are screaming, crying, thrashing, rolling on the floor, throwing things, and stomping their feet. You can quickly deal with temper tantrums by following strategies such as handling aggressive behavior immediately, distracting your infant’s attention, helping the infant learn new skills, and praising good behavior. So, dealing With Infant Temper Tantrums is easy; it just requires consistency and attention.

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